Sunday, September 2, 2012

St. George Island

St. George Island is our destination after leaving the Gainesville area.  This State Park is definitely a Florida gem, you have fishing, kayaking, hiking, and for those of you that just like to relax on the beach they have that too!   

We spent the first morning out on our kayak.......
Apalachicola Bay

 We kayaked as far back on this tributary as we could go.
This Osprey decided to pose for us
 We disturbed this Egret, but what a beautiful picture
Found out the hard way that when birds are seeming to stand on the water, watch for OYSTER beds!

After Kayaking for about two hours, we went back to the camper and hopped on our bikes, to ride about two miles to the hiking trails......

 This is a view of our kayak trip from land
 This was our reward after a 3.8 mile hike in the blistering heat!

 The fiddler crabs parting like the red sea!

 The biggest hermit crab I think I've ever seen.
This looked like a hermit crab condo!

The best park of the secluded little beach we found, dolphins playing in the surf.

The hardest park was knowing we had to trek the 3.8 miles back, cycle 2 miles to the camper before we could rest.  Was really looking forward to Oysters and a beer by then.

Beautiful sunset, we enjoyed after our oysters.

The next morning Isaac chased us off the island so we headed to Georgia.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Michele & Trey, Looks like you guys are having the time of your lives! The pictures are stunning. You are becoming quite the nature photographers! Did you finally get a new camera?

    Miss you guys.xoxo Margarita & Michael
