Friday, October 12, 2012

Grand Teton National Park

After spending most of the day driving the last leg of Yellowstone, we arrived in Grand Teton, this park holds a special place in our hearts, because it is a park that Helen always spoke of wanting to visit.   Here are our first views of the park at sunset.

The next morning we are out again on our quest for a Moose sighting (we were told they are in abundance in Teton), let's see if we are lucky.

Coot City

More Coots, no Moose.

Chipmunk are everywhere here, this little guy stopped long enough for me to finally get a picture

Drove up Signal Mountain, this is Trey being juvenile.

A better view from Signal Mountain.

This range of the Tetons is considered the Teenagers of the Rocky Mountain Range.

Yes....I was very cold.
Jenny Lake, Love the rocks and how clear the water is in all the lakes and rivers in this park.

Jenny Lake

This bald eagle flew over our heads while we were at Jenny Lake
Nope Not a moose, just a pronghorn.

His harem.

After driving for awhile we decided that a hike was necessary to stretch our legs.  We found a small hike that we thought would be easy, but it ended up being 3.4 miles at 8200', took a lot of breaks to catch our breath that is for sure.  When we reached the top we were afforded a gorgeous view of Phelps Lake

As we enjoyed a cold beverage at the top, a few mule deer decided to make a visit.  They are trying very hard to hide from us.

Stopping for a snack before they head on down the road.




Love the fall coloring of the Birch trees mixed in with the evergreens.

Have no idea what this bird is....maybe a female pheasant?
This is the road that took us to the trail head, great chance to try out the 4X4.

This guy couldn't make up  his mind as to whether he was going to jump the creek or not.

More Hairy Cows....NO MOOSE!!!!

Sunset at the Campground.

The next morning we headed out of Teton and on to Rocky National Park.  Gnomie decided he wanted to come out of hiding (he has been very camera shy this trip) and have his picture taken, so we stopped by Jackson Lake for our last views of Tetons.

Yellowstone National Park Day 3

Day 3 woke up to a little warmer temps, it was 12* but still beautiful....on the hunt again for the Moose wish me luck.  We stopped into the visitor center and the ranger told us that his wife has seen Moose at Wraith Falls so guess where we are going?!

See what I mean about a beautiful day!

Undine Falls

Hiked a mile to see Wraith Falls....guess it is better after the snow melt.  Guess what no Moose either!

Trey wishing he wore his jacket on our hike, but he did have the bear spray!


HEHE and she thought I was a Moose!

Us too....hehe

See I told you I could get them to take our picture.

Just enthralled with the rock formations in this park.
This is the Golden Gate of Yellowstone, used to have a bridge across it for the wagon trains.

Waiting for Old Faithful

There he goes.....

and that's all folks.
Lewis Falls

Lewis River

Day 3 is done and again the Moose has been elusive....guess I'm just not meant to see one.