Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Yellowstone National Park Day 1

We have to do Yellowstone in three parts, because it is such a magical place and there are so many wondrous things to see.  Here is day one of hot springs and thermal areas, talk about feeling like you are on another planet when you are in these areas, WOW!

This darling little gal greeted us upon our arrival in the park.

Yellowstone River

These elk just like to hang out at Mammoth Springs resort since they don't have to worry about predators.  The big guy is called Godzilla, it is no wonder when you here him call all you can think of is the sound Godzilla made in the old movies.

Devil's Thumb.....can you see a theme here with us and  things named Devil???

Mammoth Hot Springs

Thermal area at the top of the springs, almost looks like the moon.

Yellowstone River again

Sheepeater Cliff

Roaring Mountain, he was a little quite this day.

Raven Lovebirds....these things are as big as an eagle.

One of the many hot springs in the park

This is the Norris Geyser area, it look like the forest is on fire from all the thermal areas and geysers.

Norris Geyser

Random thermal area along the river
This wolf was hunting along the river

Ooops think he spotted us!  He hauled ass after this.

Gibbon Falls

Gibbon River

Just another cute little chipmunk.

Yes a Yellowstone Bison.....We started calling them hairy cows we saw so many of them.

More Thermal areas.

Mud thermal area....wanted to immerse myself in a mud bath, but it was frowned upon in this establishment!

Sunset on Yellowstone

Pronghorn on the top of a mountain as we exited the park for the day.

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