Friday, October 12, 2012

Yellowstone National Park Day 3

Day 3 woke up to a little warmer temps, it was 12* but still beautiful....on the hunt again for the Moose wish me luck.  We stopped into the visitor center and the ranger told us that his wife has seen Moose at Wraith Falls so guess where we are going?!

See what I mean about a beautiful day!

Undine Falls

Hiked a mile to see Wraith Falls....guess it is better after the snow melt.  Guess what no Moose either!

Trey wishing he wore his jacket on our hike, but he did have the bear spray!


HEHE and she thought I was a Moose!

Us too....hehe

See I told you I could get them to take our picture.

Just enthralled with the rock formations in this park.
This is the Golden Gate of Yellowstone, used to have a bridge across it for the wagon trains.

Waiting for Old Faithful

There he goes.....

and that's all folks.
Lewis Falls

Lewis River

Day 3 is done and again the Moose has been elusive....guess I'm just not meant to see one.

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